Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weekend Fun

Today mom, grams, Ethan and I all went shopping. We went to Fond Du Lac to the mall and Target. We had lunch at a little Mexican restaurant (one of my pregnancy cravings) and it was delicious. We even shared some Mexican fried ice cream (moms favorite).

Tomorrow my friend Kelly is coming over to hang out for the day.

Turning a corner....

Well, I think I finally turned a corner in my pregnancy. I am no longer having morning sickness or any kind of sickness for that matter. Thank God. I have been feeling great, plus I finally have some energy back. I went out and bought some maternity clothes this weekend. I am still in my regular clothes, however, each week my jeans slowly become scarce since I can no longer fit in some of them. My tops are slowly becoming shorter and shorter as well. So I guess this is it. My pregnancy book said that this coming week is the week to break out the elastic pants. YIKES... I guess there is no going back now : )

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sick of Being Sick

I am so sick of being sick. Feeling sick is one thing but actually being sick is no fun. I am pretty much sick every other day but this past week I made it 4 days without being sick which is a record for me. My Dr. said that after 12 weeks (4 days to go and counting) I should start feeling better and I should start to get my energy back. I know there is no switch that after 12 weeks you get to feel better but I am sure crossing my fingers that it somewhat works like that :). Our next apt. is on Thursday, April 3rd so we will keep you posted.

Monday, March 10, 2008

First Ultrasound for Baby O

So today I went in for my first ultrasound… we had to come back because the doctor wanted to check how far along I am. Eric was disappointed because he had class and couldn’t come, so mom took his place. Baby Olson wasn’t very cooperative today for the Ultrasound, as you can see from the pictures he/she wouldn’t turn his/her head for anything. We tried to get him/her to turn but we had no luck so we took what we could get. We also got to hear the heartbeat today and the tech. said that it was perfect, exactly as it should be. We could see the little heart just a beating. It was VERY exciting. So, everything is progressing as it should : ) Our next appt. is in April so we will keep you posted. I do have to say that I am ready to start feeling better. Hopefully, only a week or two to go…

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dr. Appt

Thursday Eric and I had our 1st Dr. Appt. I was really nervous because I didn't know what to expect. We met our OBGYN who I absolutely love, I would definitely recommend her. I had to have a pap and blood taken (I absolutely hate needles but my nurse did a wonderful job, I told her she could take my blood any day and she laughed). We had a sonogram (I think thats what its called) done which allowed us to see our little peanut (totally unexpected). He/She was about 3cm long and very active, you could see the hands and feet just a going. We all laughed because of how active he/she was. You could also see the heart beat which the doctor said looks strong. We have an apt. on Monday afternoon to go in for an ultrasound. Eric is disappointed that he wont be able to go because of school, so mom will be going with me. I think she's excited : )...

Well thats all for now, I will keep you all posted on my progress.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

We're EXPECTING!!!!!

We have been hiding it since January and we just can't hide it any longer. Eric and I are expecting a little bundle of joy in October! We broke the news to the family last night, and everyone seems very excited for us. I am currently 8 weeks along and have my doctors appt. on Thursday (yikes). We are praying that everything goes good. We will keep you posted...

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